
Containized STP | Compact Type


We provide containerized for simplified installation, use in remote and extreme conditions, mobile installations and wherever rapid deployment and/or protection from the elements are desired. SC-20 and SC-40. Shipping Containers are the ultimate in transportable advanced onsite wastewater treatment systems for commercial, communal, clustered, and high strength applications. SC-20s and SC-40s are packaged wastewater treatment plants that can treat 20,000 to 40,000 LPD of residential strength septic tank effluent to tertiary, sand filter quality. These flows are equivalent to 10 and 20 4-bedroom homes, respectively.


Area: The total area required for the system is only 11.25 sq.mtr. It can cater to a total population of 400 people.
Electricity: The total connected load of the packaged sewage treatment plant is only 2.25 KW, 3 phase, 415 volt, which makes the system more economical in Opex.
Investments: Treatment costs is approximately 0.000018 USD/liter.


Low Power Consumption
Ease in Operation
Easy in Maintenance
Small and Easy to Move
No Replacement of spiral(Compact)
No Special or Expansion Need
Can handle shock loads
Reuse of quality water
Eco Friendly